Friday April 16 Easter 2
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Psalm 16
I have been loyal to the God of justice, save me from the grave and I will have joy.
Psalm 17
I am innocent, but the evil people surround me—save me and I will be fulfilled.
Both these psalms are appropriate for Fridays, the weekly mini-anniversary of the crucifixion and both conclude with hope for new life.
Daniel 3: 1-18 What’s Daniel about?
The Babylonian king makes a statue and forces everyone to worship it. The multiply-repeated details of the orders are to emphasize the seriousness of the command. Three Jews, friends of Daniel, have been appointed to high office in the Babylonian empire but refuse to worship the statute. They state that they will not worship it, even if their God does not protect them from being incinerated. Similar demands would have been a real experience for Jews under Greek rule who would have been given courage by this imaginary story set in a time of oppression centuries earlier.
We also are to serve only the God of justice and none other no matter what threats are made to force us to approve of policies that lead to injustice and exploitation of powerless people.
Luke 3: 15-22 What’s Luke about?
John has led the people across the Jordan as a way of repeating Joshua’s claiming of the land. The Romans understand this is a political act challenging their rule and calling for revolution, and Luke briefly looks ahead to John’s execution. The people hope that John will lead them to freedom, but as Luke tells it, John insists that not he but Jesus will lead the people to the fulfilment God promised. Jesus also follows in Joshua’s footsteps and is affirmed by God as he crosses the Jordan.
This is Jesus’ public commitment to the reign of God founded in justice and to oppose the policies of oppression, violence and exploitation which are the foundation of the Roman empire. No wonder the Romans will execute him.
This week’s collect:
Almighty and eternal God,
the strength of those who believe
and the hope of those who doubt,
may we, who have not seen, have faith
and receive the fullness of Christ’s blessing,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
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